Sleep Apnea is a disorder that can have adverse
effects on the day to day life of an individual. Fortunately, the resmed CPAP machine is here for the
rescue of all those people who seem to be suffering from this rather unwanted
The machine is
available with a double gel cushion. This cushion is the highlight of the
machine. It offers maximum comfort to the person using it, irrespective whether
it is being used during the day or night. The machine is also equipped with
straps that can be adjusted as per the shape and size of the patient’s face.
This again adds to the overall comfort level.
The mask is
equipped with a heated humidifier. With the help of this tool, the air that is
inhaled by the patient is heated at a suitable temperature. The prime purpose
of heating the air before the patient inhales it is to get rid of any kind of
nasal blockage. With reduction in nasal blockage, the patient is in a better
position to breathe freely throughout the night.