Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Sleep Apnea and ways to deal with it

Sleep Apnea has been derived from the Greek language and means ‘without breath’. It is a very serious disorder in which a person ceases breathing while sleeping. This can go on from a few seconds to a few minutes. Generally, this happens in a period of 5 to 30 times in an hour, depending upon the intensity of the disorder. 

 It can have minor effects on people such as fatigue or lethargy, lading to major effects in the long term such as depression and death. Numerous treatments have been developed to deal with this disease; Sleep apnea machine such as CPAP and BiPAP machines and CPAP mask are some of the most prominently used ones.

These machines help keep the relaxed muscles of the air passage open to keep a certain amount of air flowing continuously through the passage. A doctor’s prescription is a must if one wants to purchase a sleep apnea machine; It must also be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The settings of the machine must be set individually for every person, depending upon the type of apnea he is suffering from and its intensity.

CPAP masks are an integral part of the CPAP machines, which are fitted onto a person’s nose or mouth while sleeping. These must be regularly upgraded and checked, to maintain them in a proper condition. It is made up of numerous different elements which must be kept functional and clean so as to help the patient maintain a certain level of breathing while he is asleep. They also come in numerous different designs and patterns.

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